Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Learning to Spell, and Other Shit I Already Know How to Do

So today I had Keyboarding, the bane of my existence, and Career Development. We had a spelling test in Keyboarding, and while I hate keyboarding, I hate spelling more. I haven't had a spelling test since 4th grade and I could spell then, too. Now, I understand that spelling is important. The last thing you want to do is look like a total idiot when you're typing a memo or a letter, but technology is here. This is what spell check was invented for! It comes standard with Microsoft Word. They even put a little red line underneath it when you screw up, so you know you screwed up! Although I will say, that in my wanderings around the interwebs, I have found some of the most atrocious spelling and grammar I have ever seen in my entire life. I read things like 'your stupid' or 'im hangin wit my boiz' and all I can imagine is every nun who ever taught me spinning in their (not there!)collective graves. It's quite a pretty funny image, when I stop and think about it. Just as a primer:
They're over there with their family.
You're very proud of your grades.
And for goodness sakes, punctuation is your friend!

Now on to Career Development. We were doing catch-up on assignments. Our mock interviews were supposed to be on Friday, but have now been pushed back to next Wednesday. So, Resume, done. Reference list, done. Cover letter, done. Oh, and don't forget your personal story. That was easy, I just copied my first blog! Okay, so all of my stuff is done. Now what? Spent the rest of the class, doing what I do in keyboarding. I fucked off on Facebook, and the Cheezburger network, home of Failbooking, Failblog, and lolcats.
I'm NOT in any way blaming my instructors for this. I think they're both great, and I respect them both. I blame the administrators for not allowing me to test out of these classes, when there is no reason for me to take them. Sure, I can complain, but what the hell good is it going to do? Besides, I only have one more week of the stupid classes, then it's on to something that requires brain cells.

Yeah, today I'm venting. I told you at the beginning of this blog, that you would hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. Today, I'm feeling ugly.

Going to bed now, I have the day off tomorrow, and hopefully by then, I'll have all of my gruntles un-dissed.

1 comment:

  1. I has red you submissive guideline an am sending yew these quarry letter re-guarding me knew book, titles, “Man Over bored”. It a total word count off 65,500, and is, in 8-1/2″ x 11″ page floor mat, with won inch borders al around, in Times New Romaine font, 12 point tip, and 312 pages lung.

    It is a suspended mister thriller with lot of reed herrings and twits in it. Al my friends a family say the like at, and think it if a reel god book. I even had my sun, ho as a English Proffer at he University of Mane red it and he sad it was grate! He even red sum off it to his student! Sew this tells you right here its darn god.

    As purr yore guidelines, I run spell cheques before an after sending it too you, of coarse. I dud that twice, too make sure there were know mistakes fore you two have too fix. Think yeo an advanced four tacking the thyme and consider ring my buck for been published.

    I lock foreword two hearing form you, and due hop we kin worked to gather on this won!

    Must Sincerely and Good Bless,

    Anthony Hodgkin, Future Bust Sailing Arthur

    p.s. – If you thought this were grate, weight until sea my nest book … its for the no vice righter, titles, “How Two Right an Infective Quarry Later”. Catch, huh? KO, sea you letter.


    Spell check is no excuse for kids not learning to spell right. FFS we went to TRUMAN and we can spell....
