Thursday, April 8, 2010

Are You Bored Yet? Yeah, Me Too

Yes, it's Thursday. Yes, I didn't blog last night. Put it down to pure laziness, because that's what it was. That, and I sometimes need a respite before I write about things.
So let's start this day the way I actually did. We were doing mock interviews. We were told to dress appropriately as if we were actually interviewing for a real company. So I got up earlier than normal to make sure every hair was in place, and what I was wearing was nice and clean.
Now this had been postponed last week. We were supposed to do it on Friday. They were rearranging classes so that we'd have the interviews in the morning, and keyboarding in the afternoon. So yesterday, when I got to school, I went to my Career Development class, and it was a room full of strangers. I was a little bewildered, so I went over to my keyboarding class, and realized that they weren't rearranging classes that day, and that the interviews weren't going to be held until the afternoon.
Now anyone who knows me, knows that during the course of the day, no matter how much hairspray, mousse, gel, or other products I use, my hair will eventually revert back to it's sinful nature and just lie there. It's slothful, is what it is. And the fact that there were high winds didn't help much either. But all was well, I still aced the "interview".
As for Keyboarding, it was the same as always. BUT they added just a little more torture, as they BLOCKED FACEBOOK!!!! Can you believe it??? Luckily, I had enough work to do so it didn't really matter. When I was finished with all of my assignments, I helped some of the other students. That makes me feel somewhat better.
Friday is finals day! We should get out pretty early, so I'm happy about that. On Monday, I am going to be a buddy. That means I get to take a new student around and show them where everything is. That should be interesting!
More tomorrow!

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